
#GradStories Meagan Grant, Assurance Associate, PwC

3 Aug 2023, 10:48

meagan grant pwc

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day will be quite diverse and depend on the client you're working with. Most days we will have team meetings. During these team meetings, there's opportunities to reach out to the more senior members of the team to ask for advice on the areas you've been assigned. We also delegate tasks and assign time frames to these tasks. Then a lot of the work would involve reaching out to the client for documentation and discussing that documentation if it isn't satisfactory.

What are the main skills you need to be successful in your role?

Time management and efficiency. At PwC, we are constantly working towards deadlines so it's important that you stay on top of deadlines and that you're organised in your work,

Adaptability is also important, no two clients are the same so it's important to stay open minded and be prepared for all eventualities.

What was your career break?

I studied the bachelor of commerce international experience at NUI Galway. During this time, during my third year, I had a six month placement and a six month study abroad period. During my six month work experience I got an internship with PwC. PwC then offered me a graduate position along with a master's sponsorship. I completed a masters in accounting and then joined PwC again for my graduate programme.

What advice would you have for a current student?

Take up an internship if you have the opportunity to do so. It's a good way of learning about the organisation and the type of work you'll be doing without committing yourself for too long.

Join as many clubs and societies as possible, this helps with your time management skills

What is it like to work from the United States?

PwC are promoting a flexible working environment and a hybrid working environment. They're very accepting of people working abroad for certain periods of time. I'm currently based in Chicago while working for PwC Ireland but for a few weeks I've been given the go ahead to work in Chicago. This allows you to experience a different culture.

How have you adjusted to working from home?

PwC promoted a flexible working environment before the pandemic. So when the pandemic hit, PwC was well prepared so some of the tools that we use were ready before the pandemic. The transition to working from home was very easy for most of us.

What do you love about your job?

The thing that I love the most about working for PwC is the culture, PwC has a very accepting culture which promotes equality for all. It's a culture that I'm really proud to be a part of. The associates and mangers are very approachable so there's always someone to turn to to find support.

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