Applied Behaviour Analysis - Structured

Students are assisted to design research that will make valuable contributions to the analysis. They conduct research that further advances an integrated, scientific understanding of the complexities of human behaviour. Students are encouraged and assisted to present their research at conferences and publish their research findings in peer-reviewed international journals.

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Entry requirements

Applications are invited from candidates who hold an upper Second Class Honours (Grade 1) standard or higher in their primary degree (or equivalent). Evidence of motivation and proposed research will be taken into account in offering places on the programme.

Application dates

Apply by mid-July for September entry

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System


PhD (full-time, four years); part-time PhD (six years).

Course Code: Structured PhD, full-time 1PHB1; part-time 1PBA2

Enrolment dates

PhD (full-time, four years); part-time PhD (six years).


Areas of interest

The research undertaken as part of the research thesis will be in areas related to contemporary theory and practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

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