Art History & Cultural Policy - Research
The postgraduate programme at UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy incorporates both full and part-time research degrees at MLitt and PhD level in Art History, and in Cultural Policy and Arts Management. More specifically, research postgraduate studies are offered in cultural policy, and across the broad spectrum of the visual arts: in painting, sculpture, architecture, the applied arts, and new media. Please check our staff and research pages for work complementary to your proposed research area.
The School is the largest of its kind in Ireland, and prides itself on the diversity and excellence of its research output and supervision. Potential students are warmly encouraged to approach individual members of faculty with ideas and topics that may foster successful research projects. Informal enquiries and expressions of interest are very welcome. With the approval of a potential academic supervisor, students should then seek to develop a clear and focussed idea of their research topic in the form of a well-written proposal. This should act as a prelude to completing an online application.
Art History & Cultural Policy Z108 Graduate Research MLitt FT 2 Years
Art History & Cultural Policy Z119, Z120 Graduate Research PhD FT / PT 4/6 Years
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Qualification letters
MLitt / PhD
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Part time,Daytime
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