Child Art Psychotherapy Studies

Subjects taught

Stage 1 - Option

Development of Pictorial ThinkingMDCS40240

Introduction to Psychotherapeutic ModelsMDCS41680

Psychotherapeutic ModelsMDCS41690

CAP Clinical Placement 1MDCS42560

CAP Clinical Placement 2MDCS42570

Supervision of Clin Practice 1MDCS42600

Supervision of Clin Practice 2MDCS42610

Vasarhelyi Mtd&TrainExp Part 1MDCS42640

Vasarhelyi Mtd&TrainExp Part 2MDCS42650

CAP Minor DissertationMDCS42660

Research SkillsMDCS42670

Stage 2 - Option

Child&Adolst Psychopathology 1MDCS42500

Child&Adolst Psychopathology 2MDCS42510

CAP Clinical Paper 1MDCS42520

CAP Clinical Paper 2MDCS42530

CAP Seminar 1MDCS42540

CAP Seminar 2MDCS42550

CAP Clinical Placement 3MDCS42580

CAP Clinical Placement 4MDCS42590

Supervision of Clin Practice 3MDCS42620

Supervision CAP Clin PracticeMDCS42630

Mental Health: young peopleMDCS42680

Application dates

The following entry routes are available:

Prof Masters in Child Art Psychotherapy PT (X997)

Duration 4 Years

Attend Part Time

Deadline Rolling*

* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised


4 years part-time.


Enrolment dates

NEXT INTAKE: 2024/2025 September.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider