Data Science & Analytics - Cork
The importance of the field of Data Science has exploded in recent years with a growing demand for experts in a variety of different industries. With ever increasing growth in data generation and collection, the value of data to industries is highly dependent on appropriate analysis. Consequently, data science and analytics has become a core component of both government bodies and private industry wishing to maintain competitiveness and gain advantages.
The Higher Diploma in Science in Data Science & Analytics (NFQ Level 8) in MTU is a collaboration between the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science. The programme aims to develop highly skilled and competent graduates in the rapidly expanding field of Data Science. The programme has been designed and developed with industry experts to ensure that graduates develop core skills in programming, database management, statistical modelling, time series analysis, machine learning, data visualisation and interpretation.
Course Delivery
This is a 60 credit programme, in which three core strands: Data Science, Statistics, and Computer Science, are developed over two semesters with an increasing specialisation on statistical analysis and machine learning. There will be significant opportunity throughout to apply theoretical knowledge and develop problem solving skills through practical and laboratory sessions. The learner will also undertake a capstone project, which will be a key opportunity to demonstrate the ability to synthesise the learning acquired in the programme, and to apply it to the solution of an authentic problem in Data Science and Analytics.
The graduate will gain significant practical experience, in software packages and programming languages including R, Python, Excel, SQL, NoSQL, Tableau, Spark and Hadoop for example.
Higher Diploma in Science in Data Science & Analytics (Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications).
Subjects taught
Intro to R for Data Science
Data Science and Analytics
Scientific Programming in Python
Applied Statistics and Probability
Data Management Systems
Mathematical Methods and Modelling
Regression Analysis
Distributed Data Management
Data Visualisation and Analytics
Data Science Analytics Project
Time Series and PCA
Machine Learning
Entry requirements
Applicants will already hold a primary degree, and must be highly motivated, interested in data science and capable of independent learning. Preference will be given to applicants with a background in cognate and analytical disciplines, who would benefit from an opportunity to gain expertise in ICT (data science) skills which are particularly relevant to industry.
All candidates with a Level 8 qualification or equivalent will be considered. Candidates with a Level 7 qualification and significant relevant experiential learning may be eligible through our recognition of prior learning processes.
What is RPL?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is when formal recognition is given for what you already know prior to starting on a programme or module. With recognition of prior learning the focus is on learning and not on experience as such. You can apply for RPL in any MTU accredited programme or module. Programmes which are accredited by professional bodies or any external awarding bodies may have their own procedures for RPL which you should refer to.
2 Years Part-time.
Fees: €350 per 5 credit module, and €700 for the 10 credit project module. These fees include examination fees. Thus the total fee for the full 60 credit programme is €4,200.
Students pay for the relevant modules at the start of each semester.
More details
Qualification letters
Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)
Attendance type
Part time
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