Engineering - Bridge Engineering - Sligo

Study Hours

Live lectures normally take place between 6pm and 10pm, two evenings per week. Independent study hours will be reflective of a student’s experience.

Who should apply?

This programme is suitable for Civil Engineering professionals working, or intending to work, in the Bridge Engineering sector to develop appropriate analytical, design and assessment skills

Subjects taught

Geotechnical Engineering I

Structural Inspection and

Assessment of Bridges

Geotechnical Engineering II

Design of Bridge Structures

Entry requirements

Applicants require a BEng Honours degree (Level 8) in Civil Engineering or a related discipline or equivalent


1 year part-time online.

On-Campus Attendance

Workshops occur twice per semester at the Sligo Campus on a Friday generally from 9.30am-4.30pm


In general, there are two levels of fees payable. EU students from EU countries including Ireland pay a subsidised level of fees for both taught courses and research programmes. Tuition fees for students from outside the EU are not subsidised and are thus somewhat higher than for EU students.

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

The programme provides access routes for a student intake from a specific cohort of Civil Engineering graduates predominately from the public roads services sector who wish to upskill in bridge engineering, and offers clear routes of progression through education.

This includes a specialised, relevant programme offering, differentiated through flexible modes of delivery, which promotes lifelong learning by practitioners within the road and bridge engineering sector.

This programme is industry and professionally relevant, and delivers the generic skills necessary for effective engagement in society. The programme was developed in conjunction with industry partners, Dept. of Transport and LASNTG to ensure the curriculum remains focused on required knowledge, skills and competencies of the public roads services sector with a focus on bridge inspection, management and design.

Further Study

Successful completion of this Certificate programme will allow for the transfer of learners to the Postgraduate Diploma or MEng in Road and Transport Engineering, whereby the remaining Stage 1 and Stage 2 taught modules can be taken to achieve the major award of Postgraduate Diploma and a Research Dissertation shall be completed to attain a professionally accredited Master in Engineering Level 9 major award.

More details
  • Qualifications

    Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider