English Drama & Film - Research
We are a large, diverse, research-active School with an international reputation, a key role in shaping national cultural debates, and a commitment to the delivery of high-quality research-led teaching. Our scholars occupy key roles in the national arts sector, with ongoing relationships with institutions such as the Irish Film Institute, the Abbey Theatre, Smock Alley Theatre,Gaiety School of Acting, the National Library, Marsh's Library, and Dublin City Council. Researchers in the school are leading players in international professional organisations, and hold editorships of three international journals. Please visit our research hub, Texere to explore the full range of the School's research activities.
English, Drama & Film Z110 Graduate Research MLitt FT 2 Years
English, Drama & Film Z123, Z124 Graduate Research PhD FT / PT 4/6 Years
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Qualification letters
MLitt / PhD
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Part time,Daytime
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