Food Safety

This programme, which is underpinned by current and ongoing research, will give students a detailed understanding of the issues affecting food safety both from the perspective of the food industry and regulatory authorities, as well as enabling students to develop the necessary analytical skills and theoretical understanding to manage food safety programmes within global food companies or within national and international food safety regulatory agencies. This programme is designed for and will appeal to Science or Technology graduates who currently don’t have a qualification in Food Safety, as well as professionals who are currently working in the Food Industry, that wish to upskill and further develop their expertise in food safety.

Delivered by leading international experts from the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science and the UCD Institute of Food and Health the MSc Food Safety will develop committed and interdisciplinarily trained graduates skilled in the area of Food Safety in the context of the broader food industry

Modules include a mixture of autonomous student learning, course work, and lectures. The course is assessed by a combination of assignments, in-trimester continuous assessment exercises, and end-of-trimester examinations.

This programme is delivered and assessed entirely online. The course is parttime and students can complete the course on a rolling basis. The online format of the programme enables students enrolled to combine studying while in employment.

What Will I Learn?

• Chemistry of Nutrients

• Food Microbiology & Safety

• Principles of Biochemistry

• Food Process Technology

• Bioinformatics in Food Safety

• Animal Foods

• Food Microbiology

• Plant Foods

• Food Toxicology

• Food Health and Diet

• Food Safety Genomics

• Sustainability in Diet

• Food Security

• Food Chain Integrity O/L

• Environmental Food Processing

• One Health O/L

• Food Regulatory Affairs (O/L)

• Food Quality and Safety (O/L)

• Research Design and Statistics

NFQ Level: 9 (60 credits)

Level: Graduate Taught

Award: Graduate Diploma

Subjects taught

Stage 1 Options - A)20CR:

Students must take the following 20 credits of Core Modules over the course of their programme registration. If possible students should take the Core modules in Autumn of Year 1 as these modules are pre-requisites for several Spring modules. Please keep this in mind when planning your registration.

FDSC40500: Chemistry of Nutrients

FDSC40520: Food Microbiology & Safety

FDSC40530: Principles of Biochemistry

FDSC40950: Food Health and Diet

Stage 1 Options - B) Min 25CR:

Students must take a minimum of 25 credits and may take a maximum of 40 credits of option modules from the following list over their programme registration.

FDSC40900: Food Microbiology

FDSC40970: Food Safety Genomics

FDSC41020: Food Security

HNUT40100: Food Regulatory Affairs (O/L)

HNUT40130: Research Design and Statistics

FDSC40540: Food Process Technology

FDSC40710: Bioinformatics in Food Safety

FDSC40890: Animal Foods

FDSC40940: Food Toxicology

FDSC41050: One Health O/L

Stage 1 Options - C) Min 0CR:

Students may take up to 15 credits of option modules from the following list over the course of their programme.

FDSC40920: Plant Foods

FDSC40980: Sustainability in Diet

FDSC41030: Food Chain Integrity O/L

FDSC41040: Environmental Food Processing

HNUT40110: Food Quality and Safety (O/L)

Entry requirements

The course is aimed at:

1) Individuals working full-time in the food industry charged with improving sustainability of food systems.

2) Recent graduates with a BSc. in areas such as Science, Agriculture, Nutrition and Environmental Sciences, as a means of differentiating themselves from other graduates in this area and thus increasing their employability.

Applicants must hold a minimum of a Second Class Honors degree (NFQ Level 8 or international equivalent) in a cognate subject (Science, Engineering or related discipline).

Applicants with other awards who hold substantial relevant work experience will also be considered.

Applicants who do not hold the requisite Science qualification (but who hold a Level 8 Honors degree or equivalent) have been admitted previously and are advised to submit an application for assessment by the Programme Director to determine eligibility.

You may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), as UCD recognises formal, informal, and/or experiential learning. RPL may be awarded to gain Admission and/or credit exemptions on a programme.

Please visit the UCD Registry RPL web page ( for further information. Any exceptions are also listed on this webpage.


MSc - 1/2 Years Part Time

Delivery: Online

Enrolment dates

D089: Graduate Diploma Food Safety

Graduate Diploma

Part-Time: Commencing September 2025

Graduate Taught

Post Course Info

Careers & Employability

The UCD MSc in Food Safety positions graduates for leadership roles in this critically important area for the Irish and Global economy.

There are excellent career opportunities for graduates in advisory, technical, and management roles both within the food industry, government organisations, and regulatory agencies.

Graduate Roles include:

Food Regulation

Food Safety and Risk Analysis

Food Safety Research

Policy Development

Scientific Analyst

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider