German - Structured
Important note for MLitt research degree prospective students
Graduates wishing to pursue the research degree of MLitt may do so for the purposes of a stand-alone award. It is not a progression route to a PhD degree. Therefore, students registered for the MLitt research degree have no automatic transfer opportunity to a PhD programme. However, students on PhD research have the possibility to exit their programme early with an MLitt providing that they have satisfied the requirements for that award.
Students also have the opportunity to develop their practical skills, for example, by participating in German plays, classes on rhetoric and presentation skills and in particular by teaching undergraduate courses.
As part of the doctoral training available on the Structured PhD programme, students avail themselves of a range of interdisciplinary taught modules. The wide menu of available options include modules that:
are discipline-specific in that they augment the student’s existing knowledge in their specialist area
are dissertation-specific in that they supply core skills essential to completion of the research project e.g. additional language skills
acknowledge a student’s professional development e.g. presentation of a paper at an international conference
enhance a student’s employability through generic training e.g. careers workshops, computer literacy.
Entry requirements
Candidates should have an honours degree in German; Second Class Honours, Grade 1 minimum (or equivalent international qualification).
Areas of interest
Contemporary German literature and media
Gender Studies
Literature and psychology
Literary and cultural history of the dream
Autobiographical writing
Memory discourses
Literature and thought of German Enlightenment and Romanticism
GDR and post-Wende literature
More details
Qualification letters
PhD MLitt
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Part time,Daytime
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