Information & Communication Studies - Research

ICS is one of the most multidisciplinary schools at UCD, representing disciplines, topics and approaches from the humanities, social sciences, and STEM. Unique research areas to UCD include Communications,

Digital Policy, and Information Science, as well as the highly technologically grounded HCI and Information

Systems. The School is uniquely and prestigiously designated as an iSchool, a university-level institution

devoted to understanding the role of information in society; ICS is the only iSchool in the country, as well

as on the whole of the Island.

The ethos of research in the school is grounded in forward thinking research with a view to influencing

development, policy, and regulatory frameworks at domestic and regional levels. The trans-disciplinarity

of research in the School is attractive to staff who study multiple research areas and enables them to

find a home in Information and Communication Studies.

The School is committed to research that has a social impact. Researchers in the School regularly report

on their work via radio, television, and newspaper venues. Additionally, researchers in the School have

provided information and advice at Oireachtas committees and have had their research noted in

Dáil Éireann. Researchers in the School further offer leadership roles in relevant national and international

societies and committees, e.g. the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), the Department of

Public Expenditure & Reform’s Open Data Governance Board, and the National Open Research Forum,

and are routinely invited to give keynotes at leading events on a range of topics.


Information & Communication Studies W321 Graduate Research PhD PT 4 Years

MLitt Information & Communication Studies FT W118 Graduate Research MLitt FT 2 Years

Information & Communication Studies FT W139, W140 Graduate Research PhD FT / PT 4/6 Years

More details
  • Qualification letters

    MLitt / PhD

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

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