Nursing - Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness
Psycho Oncology and the Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness.
This is a special purpose level 9 award with a value of 10 ECTS on the National Framework of Qualifications.
Possessing a broad and deep understanding of the theory and skills required for caring for patients with cancer or other chronic conditions, you will be well positioned to work in a variety of settings specialising in this area both nationally and internationally.
What Will I Learn?
This course aims to provide the student with a comprehensive theoretical background to facilitate understanding of distress in people with chronic illness such as cancer and their families.
This is a Spring Trimester module commencing each year in February.
How will I learn?
Using a framework that includes assessment and management, students will explore the challenge of chronic illness including the stress of diagnosis, the consequences of treatment including pain, disfigurement and fatigue, existential issues, difficulties with sexuality and communication. The importance and challenge of survivorship and palliative care as they relate to or impact on the individual and his or her family will be examined. While the main focus of the module will be on the individual with the chronic illness or cancer and his or her family, reference to the impact on the professional care giver will be included.
NFQ Level: 9 (10 credits)
Level: Graduate Taught
Award: Professional Certificate
Subjects taught
Stage 1 Core Modules
NMHS42880: The Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness
Entry requirements
Entry Requirements
Applicants should hold an honours NFQ LEvel 8 degree (or international equivalent ).
In some cases, where an applicant does not meet the prerequisites for entry to a programme, an RPL application may be considered
Documents required:
• Transcript(s) including date and grading of degree award (non UCD Graduates only) and notarised English translations where relevant
• Copy of Birth Certificate or Personal Page of Passport
• Signed Professional Reference Form
You may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), as UCD recognises formal, informal, and/or experiential learning. RPL may be awarded to gain Admission and/or credit exemptions on a programme.
Please visit the UCD Registry RPL web page ( for further information. Any exceptions are also listed on this webpage.
4 months part-time.
Delivery: On Campus
Enrolment dates
X828: Professional Certificate Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness
Part-Time: Commencing January 2025
Graduate Taught
More details
Qualification letters
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Part time
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