Psychological Science

MPsychSc Psychological Science

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 90)

The focus of this programme is on acquiring basic applied psychology skills to equip you for doctoral studies in clinical, counselling, educational or organisational psychology, or for progressing to a PhD in psychological research. Over the course of the year students work with a staff member to complete a research project. In keeping with the skills-based focus of the programme, the research is written up as a journal article that conforms to the publication style of an identified journal. Applicants are invited to review the research areas of the School's Academic Staff. In most cases, students work on one of their supervisor's ongoing research projects.

- One year full-time taught masters in basic applied psychology skills

- Emphasises acquisition of skills for professional practice

- Equips you for doctoral studies in clinical, counselling, educational or organisational psychology or for progressing to a PhD in psychological research

- Research project, supervised by a member of staff and written up as a journal article

- Includes a psychometric assessment module that meets requirements to obtain BPS certification

Subjects taught

Module Trimester Credits

Stage 1 Core Modules

PSY40430 MPsychSc Research Dissertation 2 Trimester duration (Spr-Sum) 30

PSY40440 Advanced Research Methods & Stats Autumn 10

PSY40940 Research Skills & Development Autumn 10

Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:

Students should select a minimum of 1 modules or a maximum of 2 modules from these options in Trimester 1.

EDUC40130 Inclusion and Equality in Education Autumn 10

PSY40420 BPS Certificate in Educational Testing Autumn 10

PSY40450 Basic counselling and clinical skills Autumn 10

PSY40580 Foundations in Mindfulness Autumn 10

PSY40910 Embodied & Social Cognitive Neuroscience Autumn 10

SPOL40470 Comparing Healthcare Systems Autumn 10

Stage 1 Options - B) Min 1 of:

Students should select a minimum of 1 modules or a maximum of 3 modules from these options in Trimester 2

EDUC43250 Wellbeing of Children and Youth Spring 10

POL41030 Theory of Human Rights Spring 10

PSY40400 Managing Change Spring 10

PSY40490 Person Centred Programme Development Spring 10

PSY40650 Psychological Interventions Spring 10

PSY40790 Clinical Cases in Neuropsychology Spring 10

PSY40860 Topics in Psychological Sci Spring 10

Stage 1 Options - C) Min 0 of:

If students have chosen only 3 options across tr1 and tr2 then select 1 module below for tr3.

PSY40870 Multielement Behaviour Support Summer 10

PSY40880 Identity Sexuality & Mortality Summer

Entry requirements

Candidates may apply for admission to the Masters in Psychological Science if they have the following:

At least an upper second class honours bachelor’s degree in Psychology recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland or by the Psychology Society of the country in which the degree was awarded (minimum GPA 3.4/4.0)

At least an upper second class honours Higher Diploma in Psychology (conversion course) recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland or by the psychology society of the country in which the degree was awarded (minimum GPA 3.4/4.0)

These are the minimum entry requirements – additional criteria may be requested for some programmes

Up to 30 students are admitted to the Masters in Psychological Science each year. Applicants in the first instance may contact Mary Boyle to indicate their interest in applying.

Letters of offer will be sent to applicants within a month of the closing date for applications. Offers to final year undergraduate students will be made contingent on final degree results. Requests for references will be sent with the letters of offer.

Applicants may apply for the online at

You may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), as UCD recognises formal, informal, and/or experiential learning. RPL may be awarded to gain Admission and/or credit exemptions on a programme. Please visit the UCD Registry RPL web page for further information. Any exceptions are also listed on this webpage.




1 year full-time. Mode of Delivery

Enrolment dates

Commencing September 2025

Post Course Info

Careers & Employability

• Equips you for doctoral studies in clinical, counselling, educational or organisational psychology or for progressing to a PhD in psychological research.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider