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Profile image for Meet Máire

Meet Máire

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. I began working within the Banking Division in the Department of Finance in September 2022. Originally I was working in the Financial Stability section. Th

Profile image for Meet Nigel

Meet Nigel

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. I am in my 6th year in the Banking Division of Department of Finance. I spent the first 4 years working on Crisis Planning and response, working closely wi

Profile image for Meet James

Meet James

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. I work in the Economics Division in the Department of Finance. I have a number of responsibilities, including preparing briefings about ongoing policy issu

Profile image for Meet Rabeea

Meet Rabeea

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. I am working as an Administrative Officer in the Department of Finance. My role is multifaceted as it involves responsibilities that include (but not limit

Profile image for Meet Seán

Meet Seán

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. As an Administrative Officer in the Tax Division of the Department of Finance, I have been involved in a number of tasks, including the preparation of brie

Profile image for Meet Con

Meet Con

Graduate profile

Please tell us a little bit about your role. I joined the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) in 2023, following a year’s experience in another role within the civil servi

Thumbnail image for #GradStories Emily McKeon, HR Administrative Officer, DFHERIS, publicjobs

#GradStories Emily McKeon, HR Administrative Officer, DFHERIS, publicjobs


What are your main tasks in a normal week?  No two weeks are the same in my job. My job involves looking at staff requests to determine which need to be prioritised. I also need to identify the r

HR & recruitment + 3
Thumbnail image for Careers in the Civil and Public Service

Careers in the Civil and Public Service


Who are we? publicjobs is the primary online gateway for graduate opportunities in the Irish public service, and is run by publicjobs. publicjobs is the centralised provider of recruitment s

Charity, public & civil service